“Maintaining your customer relations is our success”


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business strategy built around the concept of being customer-centric. CRM entails all aspects of interaction a company has with its customer, whether it be sales or service related. The main goals are to optimise revenue through improved customer satisfaction by focusing on enhancing and improving all interactions at each customer touch point. This can be accomplished by a better understanding of customers, based on their purchasing patterns and demographics, and through better information empowerment of all customers.

Computerization has changed the way companies are approaching their CRM strategies. With each new advance in technology, more of the relationship is being managed electronically. The maintenance and automation of these relationships is now a necessity which will affect the way you manage your business.
Duplication giving you any problems?
Let Paribus be your CRM data cleaning solution, eliminate the unnessersary data and maintain this new level of cleanliness by using Power Entry.
Does your CRM solution track telephone calls?
So why not complete Saleslogix with its own telephony integration solution through intelli CTi.
WARNING, Incoming SMS, client credit nearing limit.
Automated SMS through Orbis TaskCentre, letting you know what's going on in your business NOW!
In's and Out's of Orbis-Software.
Introducing, another of our world class business partners, supporting our needs for back end process solutions.
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